Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Manuscript prepared in accordance with the Author Instructions available on (note that the article must be in .doc, .docx, or .tex format); if applicable, the Supplementary Material is also included.
- All figures and images included as separate files of sufficient quality; if applicable, a separate document with all figures and tables properly labelled and captioned is included.
- Signed Publication Rights Agreement.
- Completed and signed Submission Checklist.
- If desired, a document clearly naming suggested peer-reviewers or those who should be excluded. Suggested peer-reviewers should not have published with any co-author or any party involved with the submitted work within the last 4 years. Suggested peer-reviewers should not have any personal connection to any party involved with the present work. Note that MSURJ does not guarantee that a peer named in this document will or will not be included.
Copyright Notice
Information on copyright pertaining to submitted works can be found in the Publication Rights Agreement. Authors retain the ownership of their work and grant MSURJ the rights, unlimited in time or territory, to copy-edit, reproduce, publish, and distribute the accepted manuscript in whole or in part, and in hard-copy or online. We publish under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.