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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuscript prepared in accordance with the Author Instructions available on; if applicable, the Supplementary Material is also included.
  • All figures and images included as separate files of sufficient quality; if applicable, a separate document with all figures and tables properly labelled and captioned is included.
  • Signed Publication Rights Agreement.
  • Completed and signed Submission Checklist.
  • If desired, a document clearly naming suggested peer-reviewers or those who should be excluded. Suggested peer-reviewers should not have published with any co-author or any party involved with the submitted work within the last 4 years. Suggested peer-reviewers should not have any personal connection to any party involved with the present work. Note that MSURJ does not guarantee that a peer named in this document will or will not be included.

Author Guidelines

Our system is currently experiencing issues with new registrations. If you experience difficulties creating a new account, please contact us immediately at

Final deadline for the 2024 issue: January 21, 2024

This deadline is subject to change without notice.

Submissions are accepted at any point during the year. MSURJ publishes a yearly volume in late March or early April. There is an annual submission deadline in January specifically for this volume. Although authors may submit at any point, papers submitted after this deadline – if accepted for publication – will belong to the volume of the following year. If desired by the author, MSURJ publishes articles ahead of the full volume. For example, if an author submits in September and their paper is accepted for publication in November, MSURJ can publish the paper online ahead of the volume launch that occurs in March/April of the following year. Finally, please note that the editorial board is inactive from May-August. For example, for a submission made in July, the editorial process will begin in September.   

We welcome original submissions from undergraduate students studying at any university. We publish research articles and review papers – interest pieces should be directed towards our blog, The Abstract. For inclusion in the upcoming volume, we always encourage authors to submit articles earlier than the deadline; although it does not directly improve your chances of acceptance, it allows for more time to complete all edits.

All articles are peer-reviewed by two or more professors or graduate students from the relevant field; all pieces also undergo rigorous style and copy-editing by our editorial board. Above all, we seek to publish well-written articles demonstrating scientific acumen as well as accessibility to the general scientific readership. We encourage authors to write engaging manuscripts and limit technical jargon.

To start, read through the Author Instructions, which explain in detail what and how to prepare for your submission. Also read and sign the Publication Rights Agreement, and complete the Submission Checklist once you are ready to submit. The OJS Guide for Authors offers assistance on submitting and using the OJS system on

Click for Author Instructions.
Click for Publication Rights Agreement.
Click for Submission Checklist.
Click for OJS Guide for Authors.
Click for Editorial Policies.
Click for LaTeX Template.

The Editorial Policies detail MSURJ's policies on various matters related to the editorial process. Furthermore, a template for LaTeX submissions is available for download for those who wish to use it. The project should compile without issue as an Overleaf project using the XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX compiler. All questions may be directed to

To submit, please create an account at and upload all files according to the Author Instructions. Clearly label your files, making sure to include your name in each filename, e.g. "LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_Manuscript." 

MSURJ does not charge authors any fees associated with publishing or submitting their articles.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.