About the Journal

When the McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal (MSURJ) launched in Fall 2005 as a student-run initiative to promote and support undergraduate research, it was one of North America’s first peer-reviewed journals devoted to undergraduate work. The journal offers undergraduate students from any university the opportunity to publish their findings to the research community. As a diamond open access journal, MSURJ provides immediate open access to its content, charging no fees to authors nor readers. For more information, consult https://msurjonline.mcgill.ca/licensing.

In addition to its yearly publication, MSURJ is always looking for ways to encourage student involvement in all things research. The journal has previously held CV editing events, lab tours, coding workshops, research seminars, and more! 

Currently, MSURJ is affiliated with the Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University, but is managed independently. Both editorial policies and activities beyond journal publication are overseen independently by MSURJ with governance by the MSURJ Editorial Board.

Our constitution is available here.