Scanning the Cosmos: the Search for life in the Universe
A stylised cutout of the Earth, spanning from the core below to the cosmos above


Detection methods
Extraterrestrial life

How to Cite

Berg, A.-S. (2012). Scanning the Cosmos: the Search for life in the Universe. McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal, 7(1), 13–15.


The utter vastness of the universe makes it seem possible, perhaps even very probable, that there is life thriving on other planets. The cosmos, governed everywhere by the same laws of nature, are teeming with the very material that composes the sun, the earth and human beings. Could there be other worlds like our own? Might life exist beyond this planet? To answer these questions, we must consider the specific environments and distinctive circumstances necessary for life to arise. With this information, the detection methods and tools able to scour the great expanse for signatures of life can be determined. They, in turn, can be utilized to gather further data, potentially leading to the discovery of new worlds and new beings.

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