Challenges and solutions to the worldwide tuberculosis epidemic
The downtown campus of McGill University, nestled at the base of Mount Royal in the heart of Montréal


Bacillus Calmette-Guerin

How to Cite

Landon, B. (2011). Challenges and solutions to the worldwide tuberculosis epidemic. McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal, 6(1), 41–44.


Tuberculosis is an infectious bacterial disease responsible for a current worldwide epidemic which results in 1.5 million deaths per year. citizens of developing countries, especially in Africa and Asia, are at a higher risk of infection and death. in some developing countries, as much as 80% of the population tests positive for latent tuberculosis infection, in comparison to approxi- mately 5% for developed countries such as the United states. studies of the current vaccine bacillus calmette-guerin show that elicits a decreased immune response in patients from some areas of the world. in treating tuberculosis, the world health organization has developed doTs, directly observed Treatment, short course, a program which has evolved from a simple treat- ment regiment to a complete guideline on political involvement, logistics and medical operations and has been met with astounding success rates. new diagnostic techniques and vaccines cur- rently in research bring promise to combatting and ending the tuberculosis epidemic.

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