Exploration of Fermi-LAT Data: An Analysis of Pulsar J1930+1852
Climate modelling allows us to forecast changes in global climate patterns while allowing us to better understand past events. Current models predict that Antarctic ice sheets should have decreased in the time period between 1975 and 2017. But the opposite has happened.   On page 34, Sauvé et al. examine the role of natural variability and anthropogenic forcing on climate models that could explain Antarctic ice trends. Pictured on the cover is an artistic rendition of the Antarctic ice sheets.



How to Cite

Cook, A. (2018). Exploration of Fermi-LAT Data: An Analysis of Pulsar J1930+1852. McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal, 13(1), 12–14. https://doi.org/10.26443/msurj.v13i1.25


Background: Fermi-LAT’s 9-year data set of astrophysical gamma-rays (recently reprocessed) has revealed many new astrophysical sources. A closer analysis of one of these previously unseen sources, PSR J1930+1852 and associated pulsar wind nebula, G54.0+0.3, could help to confirm the gamma-ray emission mechanism of pulsars.

Methods: An investigation and analysis of PSR J1930+1852 and PWN G54.0+0.3 using Fermi-LAT data and science tools using maximum likelihood fitting is detailed.
Results: A 4.3 σ (p = 0.000017) excess above background was observed at the coordinates of the pulsar/pulsar wind nebula and the sources spectrum appears to be consistent with a single power law.

Limitations: The sources in the models are modelled as point sources. Further studies may want to consider the possibility of extended sources in the modelled region.

Conclusion: There is evidence for a Fermi-LAT detection of this pulsar wind nebula and the source spectrum appears to be consistent with a standard power law. An upper limit calculation predicts only about 100 events with energy above 1 GeV in the 9-year data set so a pulsation search was not conducted.


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